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Our event types:

COO Forum Presenter Series Session

Small Group Sessions

Our members' core experience is built around a confidential, professionally moderated small group meeting. Members come together either in-person or virtually each month to work on specific challenges. These 90-120 minute sessions are full of fresh insights and new tools that members can immediately put to use. 

COO Forum Presenter Series Session

Presenter Sessions

We bring our members and the best and brightest thought leaders together monthly for our Presenter Session. These 60-90 minute virtual sessions provide our members access to the latest thinking and tools around topics most important to operations executives.

COO Forum Executive Session

Executive Sessions

Jump into our monthly Executive Sessions to connect with members from across the organization. These 60-90 minute virtual sessions provide our members a confidential environment to share business challenges or discuss trending topics.
COO Forum Member Workshop session

Member Workshops

Participate in workshops with industry leading experts on a range of critical topics. Members have access to live virtual, recorded, and online workshop content. 

Upcoming Presenter:

COO Forum Upcoming Presenter Series session

Join us for our next presenter!

If you are an operations executive, we would be happy to invite you to attend as our guest. 

Just submit a request below:

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Our past presenters